Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Always do thumbnails

So i uploaded each save I made for a few of my more recent pieces.  I can not emphasize enough how much I learned about the importance of thumbnails.  For the first two I didn't use any thumbnails and You can see that I wasted a lot of time playing around with elements and composition.  

For the space painting, the final result looks just like the result and I produced that one waaaay faster than the other.  It was way less stressful also, seeing as I could focus on the painting aspect alone.

you can view the larger images and the final pieces here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sketching Zelda and Mass Effect Art

I've been wanting to do some fan art since I'm done with my thesis stuff.  Here are some sketches I messed around with.  More later prob with some value thumbnails.

Senior Thesis Paintings

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm having some trouble with the third painting so I went back and did some thumbnail sketches to get some different ideas with composition, lighting and slightly different environments.

This is where I got to before I decided I really wasn't into the way things were going and started doing the thumbnails. I should have done those in the first place. This is what happens when you rush things...

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I was having some trouble with something in one of the current paintings I am working on.  So I did the best thing one could do, look at somebody else's painting and try to copy what they did.  I grabbed one of Feng Zhu's recent digital paintings and did a study of it.

My goal wasn't to make an exact copy of his. The study was to figure out how to make a convoluted gritty looking structure that is stacked with smaller ones without trying to detail every single piece. 

It is refreshing to do copies once in a while.  All I really have to think about is the mark making.

Here is a link to the original painting.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Character Sketches

So this is my first blog post and I'm just going to jump right into things.

Instead of working on some environment paintings I did two character sketches.  It's been a while since I've worked on something other than an environment so this was a refreshing for the whole hour it lasted.

Initially I was going for a sci-fi look with some aquatic inspirations on the body.  Then it turned into something else completely.  I had this crab/octopus thing on this back that transformed into some spikey looking objects.   I like how they all kind of point in the same direction rather than in every direction.  For the female I had vines wrapping around her that just turned into vertical pointy edges.  My process is very deductive.  I start out with a lot and then I simplify as much as I can.

Back to environments...

I'll update my page's aesthetics real soon to give it a more presentable appearance.